
quinta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2014

Mr. Hiddleston's wet white shirt

Uma última coisa antes de ir - esta imagem do Tom Hiddleston fazendo o tão famoso Ice Bucket Challenge. HOT HOT HOT!

Sobre o desafio em si, acho que muita coisa tem sido dita e o melhor que li até agora foi esta opinião do "doido" Steve-O:

“TO ALL THE PEOPLE WHO GOT MAD AT ME FOR THIS VIDEO: Since the ice bucket challenge began, over 15 million dollars has been raised for ALS research. I think that’s great, but when you consider the countless A-list celebrities who have actively gotten behind this cause by posting videos– the fact that not more than fifteen million dollars has been raised is a tragedy.
It’s tragic because I don’t think many of those celebrities even bothered to mention how or where to donate money for ALS research. Most of them just poured water over their heads and named three random people, without including any “call to action” which actually benefits victims of ALS at all. Had all those celebrities given this cause any thought, hundreds of millions of dollars might have been raised, and a whole lot more awareness.
Let’s start a new trend– by actually letting people know how to donate– visit this page: I’m nowhere near as rich or famous as many of the folks you’ve seen pour water on their heads, but I cared enough to get educated and donate one thousand dollars of my hard-earned money to
With love, Steve-O”

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